Taking Flight (Amal Academy)
Talking about the last session at Amal Academy, we talk about taking flight, which means the time to implement what we learn in the sessions at Amal.
First, let me introduce what is “Amal Academy”?
Amal Academy is a platform dedicated to youth learning personal and professional dreams, work on self-improvement and shape out their goals and clear up their blurry vision. it is a three months fellowship and I am already done with all three months. it was a super journey and really meaningful to me.
Amal gave me a chance to meet and work with different people who belong to different places and educational fields. it was really worth learning a few skills and lessons from my fellow’s experiences. we had a great time together.
I believe that a big social network can help you to grow. I would love to keep in contact with my Amal Family as even some fellows can not help me in my academia but they are very supportive and can provide me with precious suggestions in the future.
Last but not least, there are countless life lessons that I learn from Amal. A few of them are really important to me, for example, doing phD. or not ( what to keep in mind while taking this decision), secondly it makes me think about whether I want to pursue a career, job or vocation. I actually figure out my vocation, a GOD’s call. I also realize the life chains that are actually making some sense and taking me to my purpose in this world.
I am feeling lucky to be a part of this splendid organization. I’ll try my best to implement whatever I learn during my journey with Amal. I am hoping that one day I’ll join the Amal sessions as a guest to share my success story with Amal fellows, inshaAllah.